How to Write like a Lover Brand

3 ways to embody the lover archetype in your brand's voice and words.


As a writer and advertiser, I know the power and influence that depth of language has in storytelling. 

Stories that evoke emotion have a greater staying power. Campaigns that use emotive language linger in our hearts and minds. 

The use of archetypes in writing for your brand voice creates this depth of language and emotion that will engage your audience.

Archetypes are storytelling themes that all humans intuitively know. These themes influence human behavior on a deep and subconscious level. 

Your customer’s ability to emotionally connect with these archetype stories is involuntary, perceptive, inherent and instinctual. 

In writing for and advertising the voice of your brand, wildly successful campaigns are the campaigns most aligned with your personal brand voice archetype. 

I want to focus on the Lover Archetype.

Learn more about it here - The Lover Brand Archetype - Vox Verba 


The Lover -  The Lover brand story archetype is about creating intimacy and building relationships.

The Lover brand is passionate and sensual, intimate and romantic. The Lover wants to love and attain close connections. Lover brands want to show appreciation for their customers. 

The Lover brand exists with the purpose of connecting the things they love with the people they love, in the places they love. The Lover strives to give, and to gain, as much pleasure and intimacy as possible.

When connected to a Lover brand, customers often say they feel appreciated and have a sense of true belonging.

The greatest fear of The Lover is being alone. The fear of losing the support of and connection to humans is the biggest motivator of The Lover.

Lover-aligned brands want to reward the loyalty of their customers. These brands are constantly motivated to become better for, deeply connected to, and more appealing to their customers. 

Do you love like a Lover? 

Do you show your compassion for your close relationships like a Lover? 

Do you write like a Lover? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the rest of this article is for you.

Let us show our appreciation for you by giving you these steps to more Lover-aligned writing. 

Vox Verba can help you identify the voice of your brand using the voice of your customer. Want to learn more? Check it out here -  Voice of Customer Copywriting Guide.



Use passionate language and words.

Allow your adjectives to evoke emotions of passion and sensuality. 

The use of this language in your writing will connect human desire and human emotion with your message.

Use language that will attract your customers and make them feel desired and special.

Is your brand elegant? Do you want your customers to think of your brand as sensual, spiritual, romantic, or indulgent?

Practice by starting a Google Doc or scribble into a notepad a list of 50 words that make you feel loved, appreciated and adored.

Now use those words as your Lover language in all of the writing you do for your brand. 

Use examples of The Lover archetype language on your website, in your emails, on your social media posts. Live and breathe The Lover. 

I love this example from European maternity fashion brand and photographer,  Mii-Estilo. Mii-Estilo has The Lover archetype in their brand voice and they sure know how to use it.

Mii-Estilo - Lover Brand

Follow @miiestilo


Mii-Estilo adds to their Instagram post featuring a dreamy and luxurious custom maternity gown:

“The Hyssop Dress in Dusty Pink commands a photo shoot. It is a pure romance of cheerful elegance and joyful heartening. We love it and we believe you will too. 💟”

Mii-Estilo founder, Ingrid Roessen, has a deep love and appreciation for the hundreds of photographers and customers that support her brand. 

We can feel The Lover present most anywhere we find Mii-Estilo.

Mii-Estilo gowns are romantic and sensual. The brand’s social posts are passionate and intimate in nature. They speak of bonds, connections, emotions and living with heart. 

If you visit their website, and we hope you do, their brand story speaks for itself:

Handmade in the Netherlands, each piece is a work of art to fall in love with

We feel the love. 




How much do you love your customers?

How often do you express your appreciation and love for their support of your brand?

Identify ways that your brand can show love to your customers every day. 

Find new and unique ways to forever connect your customers to your brand.

Does your brand currently connect with your customers in one or more of these ways?

  • Do you have a VIP, Rewards or Brand Loyalty Program for your customers?
  • Do you have thoughtful packaging including hand-written notes? Do you have personalized “Thank you” emails if your brand has an all digital presence?
  • Do you ask personal information of your customers so that you can celebrate their special moments such as anniversaries, birthdays, and milestone purchases?
  • Do you give your customers something special or extra such as a free gift? 
  • Be sure to feature your customers on your blog, social media, or by having them write a testimonial. Doing so will publicly acknowledge your appreciation for their support

Add this emphasis of love to your writing. 

Do you have one or more of the items mentioned above? Add this emphasis of love to your writing on your website, blogs and social media.

Connecting your customers with your audience is a way you can help harness the power of relationships.

Write as though you want all of the warm, inspirational love you have for your customers to be felt and appreciated by ALL of your customers. 

Many brands do a beautiful job of rewarding their customers for their loyalty and support. 

Mii-Estilo often gives away a free gift for their appreciation of purchases and offers a private Facebook group with first-looks and additional discounts to their most loyal customers.

To take it one step further, founder Ingrid Roessen sends personal emails weekly to her top customers, sharing real customer photographs which connects her customers to each other. 


Mii-Estilo - The Lover Brand


Ingrid’s weekly emails also provide updates on new collections. These emails are the perfect way for Ingrid to thank her customers for connecting with and loving her brand. 

“Hello, gorgeous! I want to show my love and appreciation for you by giving you a gorgeous gift with your purchase!”

Ingrid goes on to write “I am excited to gift this to you” and includes that she hopes the free gift will inspire passion in her customer’s work. She closes with “All my love, xoxo Ingrid”

Ingrid includes a sensual image of a beautiful expectant mother looking purely radiant. The expectant mother is adorned by the silky scarf that Mii-Estilo is gifting.

We feel that.




If you are a Lover brand, you have an endless desire for pleasing aesthetics.

You strive to make sure every essence of your brand is visually appealing. 

Your advertisements, brand logo, website and even your product are no exception. They are all positively lovely.

Your customers will take notice of your consistently beautiful and gorgeous branding.

The way you write about and visually present your brand will be the reason your customers crave your product.

Customers will associate the taste of your gourmet food or the look and feel of your luxurious fashions with the delicate and sensual way you make your product sexy and appealing. 

The thoughtful ways you make your brand attractive are just as important as the words, symbols, phrases and stories you use in writing for your brand.


Mii-Estilo the Lover Brand


Another example from fashion brand and photographer, Mii-Estilo, is this blog post. 

The cover photo for this post is a captivatingly beautiful expectant mother lying in a bed of flowers, dressed in a stunning gown, cradling her pregnant belly.

The colors of the cover photo are romantic and draw the reader in. The blog title reads:5 Stunning Handmade Maternity Dresses That Will Make You Swoon. 

Not only does the image evoke emotions of love, bonding, and bliss, but the language implies that these stunning dresses will make you feel something, too.

Some of the most recognized Lover-aligned brands are Godiva , Victoria’s Secret, Marie Claire, Häagen-Dazs, Revlon, Gevalia, Chanel, and Hallmark.

All of these brands have a common ground; they LOVE. 

These Lover brands are recognized as romantic, indulgent, beautiful and high-class. They put an emphasis on their appearance and are perceived by their customers to be high-end, luxury and premium brands.  

✔ The customers of these brands feel affection from and desire for their products. 

✔ They all use rich and romantic color schemes in their logos and advertisements.

✔ The language of these brands is very much aligned with The Lover. They emphasize emotion, connection and feeling. 

Lover aligned brands bring all the feels to their customers. 


At Vox Verba, we build with brand archetypes because they are ancient and powerful. Want to read more about the brand archetypes? Learn more here - The Ultimate Guide To Brand Archetypes

For a training on human needs and motivations as sales signals and how to listen for them and apply what you hear to your brand’s personality, purchase the Brand Cosmology: Consumer Needs and Motivations class. Session in January 2021.