The Hero Brand Archetype

aka the warrior 

The Hero brand story arch is about improving the world. Heroes are known as courageous.
People come to them to solve major problems and they trust they will leave a positive mark with your solution.


goal: help to improve the world

traits and characteristics: courageous, inspirational, confident, bold

emojis:  🦸 🥇 ⚔ 🧑‍🚒

What kind of images does the hero use?

The hero brand archetype is often associated with powerful and dynamic imagery that conveys a sense of strength, courage, and determination. Hero brands typically use bold and intense colors, such as red, black, or gold, to create a striking visual impact.




What brands are considered the hero archetype?

Brands that embody the Hero archetype are often associated with bravery, strength, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. These brands position themselves as protectors and champions of their customers, offering solutions to the challenges they face.






Ram Trucks

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which celebrities are the hero archetype?

Celebrities who embody the Hero brand archetype often have a reputation for being brave, noble, and selfless. They are often seen as protectors and champions of the underdog, and use their platform to make a positive impact on the world.

Will Smith

Barack Obama

Tom Hanks

Harry Potter

Angelina Jolie

Katniss Everdeen


"I don't know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived."Will Smith

“We proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things and tackling our biggest challenges.”― Barack Obama

"If you're funny, if there's something that makes you laugh, then every day's going to be okay." - Tom Hanks

"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me." - Harry Potter

"You think, ‘What if I make a mistake today, I’ll regret it’. I don’t believe in regret, I feel everything leads us to where we are and we have to just jump forward, mean well, commit and just see what happens." - Angelina Jolie

"If he wants me broken, then I will have to be whole." - Katniss Everdeen


The hero brand archetype is one of twelve archetypes that are used to understand the personalities of brands. The hero brand archetype can be easily identified by its central theme: redemption. This archetype centers around the hero’s desire to restore balance and good in society, despite facing incredible odds and obstacles throughout their journey.

The hero brand archetype expresses its values through the following:

  • strength

  • courage

  • moral righteousness

The hero brand archetype is a powerful tool used by businesses to tap into their customers’ emotions and evoke the idea of heroic achievement. It puts the customer in a hero’s shoes, inspires them to strive for greatness, and encourages them to look up to their favorite hero product or service.

By overcoming adversity and opposing evil forces, the hero serves as a symbol of hope for both their organization and consumers alike. This makes it an attractive option for companies who want to inspire action from people in a positive way. It also allows them to create a strong connection with their target audience that conveys trust and reliability.

Those that resonate with the hero brand archetype are highly aspirational figures who strive to achieve extraordinary feats. They may also have an unwavering commitment to excellence and are usually willing to take risks. The hero archetype demonstrates a high level of emotional intelligence, and they are determined to succeed no matter what obstacles come their way. Furthermore, the hero is both admired for their courage and self-sacrifice but also respected for their ability to think critically when faced with difficult situations.

This archetype plays on consumers’ emotions in order to create a sense of connection between brands and buyers.

Consumers identify with the hero's quest:

  • feeling connected on some level with their struggles, triumphs and moral codes

  • creating a strong relationship between them both.

Being able to evoke such emotion often leads buyers towards loyalty or even advocacy for the company’s products or services.

The culture within hero brands tends to be achievement-oriented, where employees are encouraged to outperform competitors and be the best they can be. While this can make for incredibly productive work environments, it can also lead to over-competitiveness—and, ultimately, employee burnout if not managed correctly. Achieving a balance between ambition and self-care is critical for hero brand success—both in terms of promoting their message and maintaining good employee health.

Hero brands often feature bold imagery in their advertising efforts, typically with strong colors and shapes meant to convey a sense of power. Video footage of hero figures accomplishing extraordinary feats or photos of them in action are also commonly used in hero branding campaigns. The goal is both to motivate customers and create an aspirational air around the product or service.

Some well-known examples of brands using this archetype include:

  • Nike (“Just Do It”)

  • Apple (“Think Different”)

  • Starbucks (“Inspiring & Nurturing the Human Spirit”)

A hero brand done right will capture customers' attention and inspire them with a story that resonates deeply with their passion points. With its aspirational qualities and daring spirit, hero branding has become one of the most effective strategies used by businesses today to achieve success across all platforms. Ultimately, this archetype creates strong connections between companies and consumers while inspiring loyalty by allowing customers to feel part of something bigger than themselves.

what are the Hero brand archetype's weaknesses?

The hero brand archetype is one where symbols of strength are highly valued and inspiration is found. As positive as these aspects are, even the hero archetype is not without its weaknesses and shortcomings. A common mistake for brands that embody the hero to make is not living up to the title.

Basically, if a brand sets itself up to be the savior, if they fail to follow through and gain the support of their audience, the entire perception falls apart. This can happen because the audience doesn’t think that the brand is doing as much as they can to address the issues they’ve swooped in to fix.

Without the proper approach from a marketing standpoint, it’s easy for a brand to slide into the ineffectual hero zone for their audience. Another dangerous trap the hero archetype can fall into is, ironically, being a hero at all. While being a pillar of strength, courage, inspiration, and change can be beneficial for a brand’s identity, it only helps if people want a hero in the first place.

People often suspect brands of virtue signaling for popular issues, or even introducing popular issues into unrelated topics just so they can virtue signal. It’s important for a hero brand to know if they’re wanted in the first place, or else they’ll be immediately met with an unreceptive audience. This could force them to rethink their approach, or even worse, their entire identity.

Doing enough to be perceived as the right kind of hero can be tough, but more often than not, hero brands can do this successfully. Additionally, with the right amount of research, knowing which audience will want a hero brand in the first place is simple enough. The most dangerous weakness, however, is one that shows itself when everything is going right.

The hero archetype is one that embodies strength and courage, but that often goes hand in hand with ignoring weakness and vulnerability. While many people value the power that hero brands make them feel, there is also the risk that this power is seen as toxic or insensitive by some. It’s important for hero brands to be able to portray the strength they offer as a positive force, as opposed to being one solely for violence or other negative aspects.

The hero brand archetype is ideal for brands that want their audiences to use their brand to be strong, brave, and inspirational. With this in mind, it’s important that hero brands know where they are wanted and live up to the perception that their audiences will have of them.

Hero brands also need to be wary of coming across as overly focused on strength and power while focusing on the uplifting effects of their brand identity for their audiences.

What Is the Hero brand archetype's Personality?

The hero brand archetype is one of the most identifiable and enduring archetypes in branding and marketing. Its personality embodies the ideals of courage, bravery, determination, and a strong sense of morality, making it a powerful tool for building trust and confidence in your brand.

At the core of the hero brand archetype’s personality is the idea of a hero as a protector and leader. Heroes are often seen as the underdog, fighting against evil or injustice, and they symbolize hope and optimism for others. They carry the values of courage and bravery, inspiring others to follow their lead and believe in a brighter future. Brands that align with these values create a powerful image that resonates with the targeted audience and inspires confidence and trust in the brand.

The Hero brand archetype is helpful to brands that want to create a sense of purpose or mission. For example, the organization known as D.A.R.E. might use the hero archetype to position itself as a defender of youth, fighting against the battle of substance use. By embodying the values of courage, bravery, and determination, this organization can inspire the young to believe in a better future and take action to make it happen.

The Hero archetype’s personality aims to create an emotional connection with the public. Evoking strong emotions from the target audience makes an impression on their idea of the brand. The Hero works to build long-lasting relationships with the audience and build rapport. This connection with the audience is beneficial for brands looking to differentiate themselves from the competition, as it can help establish your brand as a leader (and a friend) in your industry.

The personality of the Hero brand archetype has its challenges. Like any other archetype, the Hero’s character comes with its own set of faults. The Hero tends to come off as arrogant, bully-ish, and ignorant. The Hero archetype’s predisposition to prevail can result in a power-hungry, victimized, and devalued brand. If not correctly strategized, the Hero archetype comes off negatively rather than in a helpful way. Brands that align with the Hero archetype’s personality and values must be vigilant in maintaining a clear mind and vision.

Overall, the Hero brand archetype is a powerful tool for creating trust, confidence, and inspiration in your brand. Whether you want to develop a sense of purpose, build an emotional connection with your audience, or establish your brand as a leader in your industry, the hero archetype can help you achieve your goals. By embodying the values of courage, bravery, and determination, you can inspire your audience and create a brand that makes a lasting impact.

Is the Hero brand archetype female?

The Hero brand archetype is a powerful symbol of courage, bravery, and the drive to protect and defend others. Therefore, this archetype is not limited to a specific gender and can show itself in a brand with masculine or feminine traits. This brand archetype can display itself in both female and male figures. A strong example of feminine and masculine embodiment of the Hero archetype is Susan B. Anthony and John F. Kennedy. Both figures possess strength, bravery, and power. These are common characteristics of the Hero archetype.

Gender is not a determining factor for this archetype. The reason is that an essential aspect of the Hero archetype is the values and qualities that the brand embodies. The Hero brand is someone people look up to and think of fondly, and this aspirational quality makes the Hero archetype so powerful in branding. Brands that embody the Hero archetype are seen as strong, reliable, and capable of achieving great things. They are admired for their unwavering commitment to their cause and willingness to go above and beyond to help others.

Whether male or female, a Hero brand must embody the values of courage, bravery, and selflessness. Without these qualities, the Hero archetype cannot exist. These qualities evoke a response from the audience and make the Hero archetype a powerful symbol in branding. Brands that align with the Hero archetype can inspire people and motivate them to be their best selves, making the Hero archetype a critical part of any effective brand strategy.

While brand archetypes have universal themes, each brand's voice is unique.

Discover your unique brand voice with a custom Brand Archetype Report to find out how your brand can stand out to connect with customers.