The Ultimate Guide to Brand Archetypes

brand archetypes for professionals


Brand archetypes are powerful storytelling themes that tap into the universal human story. Business owners and their marketing teams use brand archetypes to stand out and attract customers while building a community.

When you understand your brand's archetype, you can use it to create a resonant and compelling story that connects with your audience on a deeper level. There are 12 brand archetypes, each with its own unique set of characteristics. After analyzing thousands of customer reviews and interviews, Vox Verba identified a 13th archetype: the Athlete.



To find your brand's archetype, start by looking at your company's values.

What are the core values that guide your business?

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world?

Do you put your customers first?

Your answers will help you identify which archetype best fits your brand.

Once you've identified your brand's archetype, use it to create a story that resonates with your audience.


create your brand's world


Every brand has a story, and that story is set in a specific world.

This world is populated by the people, places, and things that make up your brand's universe.



To create your brand's world, start by answering these questions:

Who are the people in your brand's universe?

What do they believe in?

What are their goals and aspirations?

What motivates them?


Once you've answered these questions, you'll have a better understanding of the world your brand inhabits.

Use this understanding to discover your archetype and connect with customers.


develop storytelling themes


Brand archetypes help you develop storytelling themes.

These themes can be used in marketing campaigns, social media posts, and even company culture.




Examples of storytelling themes include:

The underdogs who strive to overcome the odds

The mavericks who blaze their own trail

The rebels who challenge the status quo

The everyman who represents the average person

The outcasts who are misunderstood or underestimated

Your brand's archetype will help you determine which themes best fit your story.


the universal story from Joseph Campbell


Joseph Campbell, one of the founding storytelling fathers, teaches that all great stories have a hero and a journey.

This journey has three phases.

The first stage is when the hero leaves his or her comfort zone to embark on an adventure.

The second stage is when the hero faces challenges and overcomes obstacles.

And the third stage is when the hero returns home changed by the experience.

You can use these stages to create a story for your brand.

The key is to focus on how your customers will benefit from using your product or service.

What problem are you solving for them?

How will you make their lives better?

Use your answers to these questions to craft a story that resonates with your audience.


brand archetype wheel


The brand archetype wheel is a helpful tool that can assist you in this process. By understanding and utilizing brand archetypes , you can create a resonant and compelling story that will connect with your audience on a deeper level.


There are 13 brand archetypes on the Vox Verba wheel, each with its own unique set of characteristics.


The Athlete archetype is all about winning.


Athlete brands are competitive, driven, and passionate.


They are always striving to be the best and push themselves to their limits.


If your brand is in the Athlete category, your marketing should focus on themes of competition, success, and achievement.



The Lover archetype is all about connection.


Lover brands are passionate, intimate, and devoted.


They believe in love and strive to create relationships that are built on trust and respect.


If your brand is in the Lover category, your marketing should focus on themes of intimacy, connection, and relationships.


The Explorer archetype is all about discovery.


Explorer brands are curious, independent, and bold.


They are always seeking out new experiences and pushing boundaries.


If your brand is in the Explorer category, your marketing should focus on themes of adventure, exploration, and freedom.


The Regular Guy archetype is all about being relatable.


Regular Guy brands are down-to-earth, approachable, and unpretentious.


They believe that everyone is equal and that we all have the same basic needs.


If your brand is in the Regular Guy category, your marketing should focus on themes of simplicity, normalcy, and relatability.


The Sage archetype is all about being knowledgeable.


Sage brands are wise, insightful, and intelligent.


They believe in the power of knowledge and strive to educate others.


If your brand is in the Sage category, your marketing should focus on themes of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.


The Ruler archetype is all about being in control.


Ruler brands are powerful, authoritative, and confident.


They believe that they are the leaders and that everyone should follow their lead.


If your brand is in the Ruler category, your marketing should focus on themes of power, control, and leadership.


The Magician archetype is all about being transformation.


Magician brands are innovative, creative, and inspiring.


They believe in the power of change and strive to make a positive impact in the world.


If your brand is in the Magician category, your marketing should focus on themes of transformation, creativity, and inspiration.


The Hero archetype is all about being courageous.


Hero brands are brave, heroic, and noble.


They believe in doing what is right and fighting for a cause larger than themselves.


If your brand is in the Hero category, your marketing should focus on themes of courage, heroism, and nobility.


the caregiver brand archetype

The Caregiver archetype is all about being compassionate.


Caregiver brands are caring, nurturing, and selfless.


They believe in taking care of others and making a difference in the world.


If your brand is in the Caregiver category, your marketing should focus on themes of compassion, caring, and giving.


The Rebel archetype is all about being unconventional.


Rebel brands are non-conformist, edgy, and disruptive.


They believe in going against the grain and doing things their own way.


If your brand is in the Rebel category, your marketing should focus on themes of advovacy, breaking the mold and standing up for what's right.


the creator brand archetype

The Creator archetype is all about being imaginative.


Creator brands are expressive, original, and visionary.


They believe in the power of their ideas and strive to bring them to life.


If your brand is in the Creator category, your marketing should focus on themes of expression, creativity, and imagination.


The Jester archetype is all about being fun.


Jester brands are playful, comedic, and charming.


They believe that life should be enjoyed and that we should all have a good time.


If your brand is in the Jester category, your marketing should focus on themes of fun, playfulness, and humor.


the innocent brand archetype

The Innocent archetype is all about being optimistic.


Innocent brands are hopeful, upbeat, and childlike.


They believe that the world is a good place and that we should all strive for happiness.


If your brand is in the Innocent category, your marketing should focus on themes of hope, innocence, and happiness.


reveal your brand's story

Now that you know a little bit more about the thirteen brand archetypes, it's time to take a closer look at your own brand.


Which archetype does your brand fall into?


What themes and values does your brand represent?


How can you use this information to improve your marketing strategy?


important note

Your brand creates passion and excitement to activate change in your customer's world.


Use your brand's archetype to find new ways to connect with your customers and create an even more powerful connection.


find your voice


Vox Verba analyzes your brand's voice through interviews and customer reviews to give you a reflection of who you are in the marketplace.


Your brand's voice is the most important aspect of your marketing strategy.


It should be clear, concise, and consistent across all channels.


Are you curious to know more about your brand's voice?


Schedule a free consultation with Vox Verba today.


We'll help you tell your brand's story in a way that resonates with your customers and drives results.


The takeaway?


Knowing your brand's archetype is the first step in creating a powerful marketing strategy that connects with your customers on a deeper level.


What's your brand's story?

We can help you tell it.


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Vox Verba partners with the Nine digital agency to provide audits, websites, digital marketing, social media campaigns and copywriting to businesses.


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