The Hero Brand Archetype Examples in the Market
The Hero Brand Archetype
A Hero’s instincts are to protect those they perceive as vulnerable, innocent, or in some way incapable of assisting themselves. All other characters' heroes tend to mature. (Think of the damsel in distress who is rescued.) For example, Martin Luther King inspired Americans of all races to emulate the cultural ideal of equal opportunity through the "I Have a Dream" speech. In their way, heroes inspire and encourage everyone around them. The secret to their success is not what they do but who they are. Many celebrated that Nelson Mandela had forgiven his jailers after spending 27 years in prison and, by doing so, had freed people not only from apartheid but from hatred. Heroism indeed!
Hero archetypes are driven merely by a desire to succeed. Hero's trap is seeing themselves as Heroes, while others see them as villains. It would help if you didn't dig your heels in when this occurs, but instead, observe what they observe and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Another Hero brand is Nike, they have such good branding that employees have been spotted getting tattoos of the famous "Swoosh" symbol. Therefore, the employees don't just "work" for Nike, but Nike is an integral part of their lives.
Hero's and Brands
As the Army advertisement states, a hero organization is often devoted to a worthy cause or strives to help both customers and employees achieve their full potential. These traits include toughness, resilience, ambition, practicality, competitiveness, and, ideally, morality. Organizations like this encourage their employees to develop their full potential. They are typically highly competitive in the private sector, with sales figures as a running measure of success. In the world's best sense, they have an extreme entrepreneurial outlook and therefore expect and demand continuous growth. Public and nonprofit sector employees are expected to be dedicated to the cause. In either case, " If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen."
The United States Army best exemplifies this type of organization. As a means of creating solid fighters, highly coordinated teams, and the ability to act quickly and flexibly in response to changing conditions, the military has perfected the hierarchy. However, despite not being democratic, the military has become a place where men (and, increasingly, women) of diverse races and often deprived environments have united. The Army itself offers training and development to entirely participate in society at large. They also benefit from GL education benefits.
No matter where one works, standards are high, and employees must be hard-working and determined to succeed. Generally, for-profit businesses are highly competitive.
While sports teams are expected to meet goals and standards, qualified employees are well compensated. They are well trained and appreciated. Accordingly, these employees look out for each other. As part of a successful operation, employees feel a sense of pride, and a commitment to quality governs all of their actions. Hero organizations with the highest in standing are conscientious, articulate their convictions, and practice them.
They go beyond mere rhetoric. It would be wrong to say that Hero businesses are not skilled at motivating people (like coaches rousing the troops to victory) and creating energy by convincing people that winning in the economy contest is crucial. The employees who subscribe to the organizational mission are generally conscious that their efforts are essential regardless of what may happen.
USPS Vs. Fed Ex
The U.S. Postal Service was one of the original heroic brands of high caliber. "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night" could keep the mail from being delivered.
It was unfortunate that this heroic image was not properly maintained. When he was a student at Yale, Fred Smith received the idea for overnight delivery service in the mid-1960s. The professor gave Smith a C on his paper about feasibility because he knew the Hero's perseverance made the idea unfeasible. He was born with a congenital condition and walked with crutches and braces until he gained the ability to walk independently and play basketball and football as a youth. His health eventually permitted him to lead a Marine platoon in Vietnam. Smith stuck with Federal Express, even though it did not become a success right away. A great deal of effort went into creating a campaign emphasizing the famous line "FedEx- When Positively has to be there overnight." Marketing campaigns initially targeted middle and senior-class individuals.
Secretaries and mailroom employees were later included in the Management program. FedEx and its primary competitor conducted actual experiments with sand packages-and FedEx won, of course. Later ads emphasized modern business's fast-paced, competitive nature and featured Spleen quickly. As he talked, the manager uttered hundreds of words per minute to illustrate the urgency of delivering the packages on time. The manager was trying to demonstrate the need to compete with competitors. FedEx embodies a heroic identity through its organizational culture. The heroism of the Marines impressed Smith despite his affluent background. He wished to treat the Marines fairly in his business. Employees at FedEx are expected to deliver packages intact and on time through a heroic devotion to quality results. As a result, they are treated fairly, have a voice, and are treated with respect. Managers are evaluated by both their employees and bosses.
With its appearances in big box office movies, FedEx has solidified its success and its iconic status. For example, in Runaway bride, actress Julia Roberts escapes from one of her weddings by hopping on a FedEx truck. A character then jokes, "I don't know where she's going, but she'll definitely be there by 10:30 tomorrow."
Ultimate Guide to Brand Archetype